
Your Bank from Disrupted to Disrupter

Prepare for the disintegration of banking and expand your bank's sales and service channels in the market.

As digital traffic takes center stage in banking, staying ahead is crucial. Specialization is the key to success amidst conflicting factors. DefineX helps banks define their future role and build their next-generation banking strategies.

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A collage of eyes from various currency designs, symbolizing global finance, economic observation, and monetary diversity.

Be the Master of Customer

Holding on to your customers and acquiring more so you can still have the upper hand as the Master of Customer is crucial. When the time comes, your competition will be Telcos, E-Com players and others, and they all have a more extensive customer base than banks today.

How we can help?

We will follow a proven product methodology for designing and implementing your next-generation services.

A flowchart showcasing stages of value-added services: Product Management, Engineering and R&D, Digital Revenue Services, and Lifecycle Management.
Operate as a Digital Platform.

Four successive steps need to be taken by banks considering a next-generation banking play. A robust Digital Platform is the key enabler of this journey at every step.

Have a strong tech asset ready to cater for Contextual Banking. Icon Have a strong tech asset ready to cater for Contextual Banking.
Begin Embedded Banking to become part of the value chain in other business flows. Icon Begin Embedded Banking to become part of the value chain in other business flows.
Own or control high-frequency customer interaction points. Icon Own or control high-frequency customer interaction points.
Decide on what not to do. Pick target leadership areas and drop others. Icon Decide on what not to do. Pick target leadership areas and drop others.
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Impact Stories

Discover how we’ve partnered with leading banks to drive innovation and create lasting impact. Explore our case studies that showcase real-world success stories in the banking industry.

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